Dick Swaab: “Ons Creatieve Brein” (Dutch only)
Dick F. Swaab, arts en neurobioloog, een van de belangrijkste en internationaal bekende Nederlandse hersenonderzoekers. Hij richtte in 1985 de Nederlandse Hersenbank op om het onderzoek naar hersenziekten te faciliteren. Hij is emiritus hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, leidt een onderzoeksgroep aan het Nederlands Herseninstituut in Amsterdam en is hoogleraar in Hangzhou (China). (bron […]
Capt. John Hoyte: “Aerotoxic Syndrome – Aviation’s Darkest Secret”
Capt. John Hoyte, born in 1955, has had a lot of diversity in his flying career: from crop spraying to fire fighting, from cargo to passenger transport, on many different aircraft types. Starting 1990, he developed more and more health issues, which eventually forced him in 2005 to prematurely end his flying career. He […]
Porter Lafayette: “FUME EVENT – Aviation’s Biggest Lie”
Porter Lafayette has flown for more than 32 years for some of America’s leading original legacy carriers. He had to end his career as a consequence of Aerotoxic Syndrome. Today he is still active as a writer about aviation, in particular about the problems with contaminated cabin air. His latest book “FUME EVENT – Aviation’s Biggest […]
Bearnairdine Beaumont: “The Air I Breathe – It’s Classified”
Bearnairdine Beaumont was born in England. Since both of her parent were working in aviation, it seemed only logical for her to start a career as a stewardess. After 20 years of flying full of enthusiasm, she had to end her career prematurely as a consequence of Aerotoxic Syndrome. Her book “The Air I Breathe […]