Info Evening Nijkerk
On 10 May 2019 the below event took place in Nijkerk. The evening was in the Dutch language only. Op 10 mei 2019 organiseren wij een informatieavond over verontreinigde cabinelucht en het Aerotoxic Syndrome. Kom je ook? Het belooft een interessante avond te worden met veel informatie en de laatste ontwikkelingen! Locatie:De Medialoods, Galvanistraat 23, 3861 NJ […]
Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2019
On 17 and 18 of September 2019, the Aircraft Cabin Air Conference took place again in London, the largest international conference ever held about air quality on board of airplanes. Just like in 2017, this conference was organised by the Global Cabin Air Quality Executive (GCAQE). Attendants The conference was once again well attended by numerous prominent […]
International clean Cabin Air Day
The 3rd of April 2020 has been declared International clean Cabin Air Day by our German partner P-CoC. At Frankfurt International Airport a demonstration will be held with participants from various countries, to emphasize the problem of contaminated cabin air in aircraft. Follow the latest on this event via the Facebook site of P-CoC.