Restart Study on Brain Damage by Daniel Dumalin
Daniel Dumalin MSc. Psy., clinical research psychologist and neurophysiologist In 2018, during a study of a Belgian flight attendant at the Bruges-Ostend hospital, Daniel Dumalin identified deviations due to brain damage. This sparked his interest in the phenomenon of “Aerotoxic Syndrome.” He soon observed similarly striking brain damage in several other flight attendants. In 2019, […]
Luchtvaartnieuws Publications
Articles in In the online magazine, journalist Paul Eldering regularly focuses on the issue of contaminated cabin air. Stichting Fly Aware is naturally very pleased with this media attention! Below (with the permission of Mr. Eldering) is a list of articles relevant to us: October 17, 2023: Pilot Association Raises Alarm […]
IFALPA Position Paper 2023
New Position Paper on Cabin Fumes The International Federation of Airline Pilots (IFALPA) is a global nonprofit organization that includes the majority of pilots’ unions. The Dutch Association of Airline Pilots (VNV) has been a member of this organization since its inception (VNV was one of the co-founders). IFALPA thus represents more than 110,000 pilots […]
French Court recognises Aerotoxic Syndrome
In the case of an Airbus Captain In March 2023, the Toulouse Court issued a remarkable verdict in a case brought by an Airbus pilot against the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM, the French equivalent of our Employee Insurance Agency – UWV). The pilot became occupationally disabled after exposure to contaminated cabin air. Initially, his […]
NVLT: The Hague and Airlines far too lenient
Interview with Robert Swankhuizen On September 12, 2023, Luchtvaartnieuws published an interview with Robert Swankhuizen, chairman of the Dutch Association of Aviation Technicians (NVLT), and a member of the National Cabin Air Quality Advisory Group (NAC). In the interview with Paul Eldering of, Mr. Swankhuizen discusses several current issues in aviation, including the announced […]
Politics look into Health Effects of Bleedair
‘Recognition of ATS as an Occupational Disease closer’ The following article appeared on September 7 as a Premium article on Below, we provide (with permission) the English version of the full article text in English: ——————————————— Politics Look into Health Effects of Bleedair: ‘Recognition of ATS as an Occupational Disease closer’ September 7, […]
Advisory Note NAC
After 8 years, finally a breakthrough? The National Cabin Air Advisory Group (NAC) was established in 2015 by then-State Secretary Mansveld (Infrastructure and Environment). The NAC was tasked with advising the minister on: Developments (including new research) that could be relevant to the chosen strategy; The desirability of additional (international) research; The Dutch contribution to […]
Medical Protocol
Now published after six years of hard work For over six years, an international team of scientists, medical professionals and specialists in the field of contaminated cabin air, led by Dr. Susan Michaelis (Head of Research in GCAQE) and Jonathan Burdon of the Melbourne Universiteit, worked on a Medical Protocol that can be used for […]
Dr. Gerard Hageman
Neurologist (retired) in Medisch Spectrum Twente Hospital MST Dr. G. (Gerard) Hageman has been connected to Medisch Spectrum Twente Hospital (MST) as a neurologist for 32 years. He did a lot of research and published several study results. Dr. Hagemna was one of the few medical specialists who took the complaints of the victims of […]
A future with less toxic oils?
Strict requirements for oil… In the past decennia, a lot has been written about the lubricating oil used in jet engines. In our short article Oils for Jet Engines we also highlighted on this topic. Super oil for jet engines Jet engine oil is not an “ordinary” oil, like the oil used in your car’s […]