Information Meeting 13 March 2017
On 13 March 2017, Stichting Fly Aware organised an information meeting with various themes in the field of flying and staying fit.
During this meeting, two presentations (in Dutch) were given, resp. by Drs. John Midavaine (Stichting Fly Aware) and Ir. Mauk den Boer (Director Raymedy Nederland).
Both presentations are still available on video (€ 10 each). Transfer the amount into IBAN NL41 BUNQ 2120 2941 00 of Stichting Fly Aware in Zeist, and mention the name of the presentation and your E-mail address. You will receive a link to download the video.
The presentations:
Vitamine C, by Drs. John Midavaine:
The strong healing effect of vitamine C for the body after the burden of e.g. flying.
Raymedy, door Ir. Mauk den Boer:
Detoxification and how Raymedy can help, and synchronising your interne clock, preventing the effects of jetlag and insomnia by time zone traveling.
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