Short Articles
- LRD, a system with a smell
- Restart Study on Brain Damage by Daniel Dumalin
- Luchtvaartnieuws Publications
- IFALPA Position Paper 2023
- French Court recognises Aerotoxic Syndrome
- Interview Robert Swankhuizen: “The Hague and Airlines far too lenient
- Politics Look into Health Effects of Bleedair
- Advisory Note NAC
- Medical protocol published!
- A future with less toxic oils?
- Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dieter Scholz, MSME
- Em. Prof. C.V. (Vyvyan) Howard
- Dr. Gerard Hageman
- Graeme A. Davidson
- Ruling Central Court of Appeal
- Zembla documentaries about contaminated cabin air and Aerotoxic Syndrome
- Is it really safe to fly in Corona times?
- Aerotoxic Syndrome and the Coronavirus
- Michel F.A. Mulder MD: Coronavirus in Aircrcraft
- Awareness
- Denial by the Industry
- The importance of sleep when detoxifying
- Ototoxic substances and hearing loss
- Hydraulic fluid in the cabin air?
- Decontamination of Air conditioning Ducts
- Cambridge masks
- Oils for Jet Engines
- Potable Water on Board
- Contaminated Air in Aircraft
- Carbon Monoxide in the Cabin
- Neurological Disorders
- Pregnancy and Flying
- Sponsorkliks and Fly Aware