You can order your mask either from Stichting Fly Aware or directly from the manufacturer.

1. Via Stichting Fly Aware:

Due to high bank and shipping costs for small packages from the UK (even more so since Brexit), Stichting Fly Aware decided to stock a limited number of masks. We exclusively offer masks from the high-quality “Cambridge Mask Pro” series, for €32.95 each

Pending availability, we offer the following versions:

Choosing the Right Size: The masks are available in four sizes based on body weight:

  • Small: 11-32 kg
  • Medium: 33-64 kg
  • Large: 65-89 kg
  • Extra Large: 90+ kg

Please note that not all versions and sizes are always on stock. The Order Form on this page will show available versions only.

Shipping costs apply, but if you order two masks at once, they can fit in one standard box, so you only pay shipping once. To place an order, you can use the order form on this page. For larger quantities, contact Stichting Fly Aware via

2. Direct from the Manufacturer:

“the Lady MacBeth Pro”

If you prefer a different design, you can also order various design masks (see example) directly from the manufacturer at Please keep in mind that there will be bank and shipping costs.

Due to Brexit, you will receive a separate invoice from the courier service (usually DHL) for VAT and import duties in addition to the invoice from Cambridge Mask Co.

Order Form Cambridge Mask

Total Amount € –

After receiving your payment we will send your mask(s) to the indicated address as soon as possible.