Video materiaal gratis beschikbaar gesteld
- Youtube, promovideo Aeroparts over VOC-Ozon converters, januari 2024: ECS Bleed Air Test
- Tiktok, maart 2023: het aangrijpende persoonlijke verhaal van Kate Dybdahl, Jet Blue stewardess en Aerotoxic Syndrome patiënt
- Aircraft Air Contamination An Ongoing Health and Safety Issue – AOPIS (2004)
- GCAQE jan 2021 – Video over luchtkwaliteit in vliegtuigcabines: Clean Air Campaign
- GCAQE jan 2021 – Fly Informed: Understanding filtration and ‘bleed air’
- A brief look at Triaryl phosphates, door prof. Clem Furlong. Gepresenteerd tijdens de Aircraft Cabin Air Conference 2019
- Stichting Fly Aware Trailer
- Wenn es im Flugzeug komisch riecht(2018)
- WHO: Breathe Life – How air pollution impacts your body (2018)
- Promotiefilmpje van Pall Aerospace over hun nieuwe filtertechniek waarbij ALLE lucht naar de cabine wordt gefilterd en gemonitored. Even inloggen, de moeite waard!
- Voorlichtingsfilm over Contaminated Air (2017)
- British Airways Pan Pan Pan Emergency Vancouver (2016)
- Good Morning America ABC News: Airplane Alert (2016)
- “My Mom had a Dream…” korte sketch over de B787 (2016)
- Poisoning fears, Channel Four (2014)
- VN Aerotoxic Detection Solutions, VN Capital partners (2014)
- Jeff Iliff: one more reason to get a good nights sleep (2014)
- Aerotoxic Syndrome in 2 Minutes (2014)
- Michel Mulder MD Aviation Medical Witness Expert (2012)
- CNN 2010: US Airways Toxic Air Story
- ARD 2010: Aerotoxic Syndrome, Passengers and Flight Attendant Stories
- Fact not Fiction Films 2007: Welcome Aboard Toxic Airlines
- Aircraft Air Contamination An Ongoing Health and Safety Issue – AOPIS (2004)