In the Media
- National Advisory Group Cabin Air: Annual report 2023
- Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, April 2024: The role of nanoparticals in bleed air in the etiology of Aerotoxic Syndrome: A review of cabin air-quality studies of 2003-2023, by neurologist G. Hageman, P. van Broekhuizen en J. Nihom.
- Youtube, promovideo Aeroparts about VOC-Ozon converters, January 2024: ECS Bleed Air Test
- Elsevier online magazine Neurotoxicology, December 2023: The role of carbon monoxide in aerotoxic syndrome, by neurologist G. Hageman, P. van Broekhuizen and J. Nihom.
- Luchtvaartnieuws, October 17 2023: Pilot Association sounds the alarm about dangerous Fumes in the cockpit
- le Parisien, September 30 2023: Study warns for the risk of contaminated air in airplanes
- Press Release AVSA, September 18 2023: Hearing before the Paris Court of Appeal
- Luchtvaartnieuws, September 12, 2023: Interview with Robert Swankhuizen
- Luchtvaartnieuws, September 7, 2023: “Politics Look into Health Effects of Bleedair“
- Facebook group ‘What Doctors Don’t Tell You’, September 2023: “the Health Risks of Airplane Fume Events“
-, March 2023: “Sensoren sollen Kabinenluft permanent überwachen”
- LA Times, March 2023: “Toxic fumes on board airplanes? Airlines may finally have to do something about it”
- Cabin Air Safety Act of 2023
- Spanish Airline Pilote Association SEPLA on 16 September 2022 published this article: “Sepla calls on aircraft manufacturers to take steps to make air travel safer”
- magazine Advances in Toxicology (Elsevier), July 2022: “Aerotoxic Syndrome: a new occupational disease caused by contaminated cabin air?”, by neurologist G. Hageman, S.J. Mackenzie Ross, J. Nihom and G. van der Laan
- Science Direct, April 2022: “The Lung in Aeroptoxic Syndrome”, by JorgeRoiga, Susan Michaelis and Jonathan Burdon
- Finax News, April 2022: Boeing settles “toxic air” case hours before the trial
- LA Times, 31 March 2022: “After Times investigation, Congress is moving to curb toxic Fumes on airplanes“
- Press release from USA Senator Dianne Feinstein, 29 March 2022: “Feinstein, Blumenthal, Garamandi, Bicameral Group Introduce Bill to Protect Airline Passengers, Crew from Toxic Cabin Air“
- Aerospace Magazine, December 2021: Oil Fumes, Flight Safety, and the NTSB, by Judith Anderson and Dieter Scholz
- Luchtvaartnieuws, November 17 2021 (Dutch only): Ook in kamer zorgen over cabinelucht; EASA gelast weer onderzoek
- Dutch Magazine Elsevier, november 2021: In vitro hazard characterization of simulated aircraft cabin bleed-air contamination in lung models using an air-liquid interface (ALI) exposure system
- American news channel WSVN, 15 November 2021: Toxic Takeoff? Flight attendants, former pilot, sound alarm over ‘fume events’ on planes
- Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, September 2021: “An issue with gas turbines that no one wishes to talk about but is ever present in cabin air“, by Graeme A. Davidson
- ENDS report augustus 2021: ‘I couldn’t feel my hands and legs’: Is toxic air poisoning pilots, passengers and crew?(Evelyn van den Heuvel)
- Dutch TV channel NOS program “Nieuwsuur”, 24 July 2021 (2nd subject, Dutch only): Hoe veilig is vliegen met de Deltavariant?
- Dutch local TV channel Rijnmond TV, 12 July 2021: interview with Evelyn van den Heuvel (Dutch only)
- Dutch TV programme Zembla, 21 juni 2021: Stewardess die ziek werd van vliegen, wint rechtszaak van UWV over uitkering (Dutch only)
- On 29 April 2021 the Central Court of Appeal ruled in the case of an ex-KLM flight attendant who became incapacitated for work by the Aerotoxic Syndrome. This Ruling is of great importance, also for other victims of AS, as this Ruling for the first time implies a (subtle) recognition of AS! On 21 June 2021 Dutch newspaper NRC and the NOS news bulletin extensively brought the subject to the attention of the public.
- Aerospace, April 2021: Sources of Onboard Fumes and Smoke Reported by U.S. Airlines by Judith Anderson
- Aviation Today, March 2021: New Aircraft Environment Sensor Certified for Boeing 737
- TV-station WBRC, 27 January 2021: On Your Side Investigations: Potentially toxic fumes created problems on U.S. flights in 2020 almost 150 times
- Illinois Injury Law News, 6 January 2021: Toxic Cabin Air? New Information Reveals the Potentially Neurotoxic Effects of Contaminated Airplane Cabin Air
- Flight Global, 22 December 2020: EASA embarks on comprehensive project to examine cabin-air toxicity risk
- LA Times documentary on 17 December 2020: “We are slowly being poisoned”
- 19 October 2020, Press Release from GCAQE: European Workers & Passengers Welcome the Completion of the Standard on Aircraft Cabin Air Quality
- 20 September 2020, Mail Online: How Covid spreads on long haul flights: Single passenger infect 15 others on 10-hours trip to Vietnam
- 31 July 2020, Captain Andrew Myers – Workers’ Compensation Board Outcome
- On 4 July, German TV program Nano (on 3SAT) presented this interesting documentary about the alleged air quality on board of aircraft (Ge/En subtitles)
- An Interesting article appeared in June 2020 with our partner Aerotoxic Team Network: “Why Airline CEO’s are obsessing about Aircraft Pure Air…“
-, March 2020: Bad air: Pilots worldwide complain of unsafe cabin fumes
- Time Magazine published this article about the fear among crew members of spreading the Coronavirus (March 2020)
- Interview on BloombergTV with Christopher Dobbing, CEO of Cambridge Mask Company, 5 March 2020: “Demand is booming”.
- German TV channel RTL, 11 February 2020: Ex-Condor-Pilot klagt an: Krank durch giftige Cockpit-Luft
- Computer Training Systems blog, 13 Feb 2020: How a Fume Event may lead to permanent damage
- German TV ARD documentary, 28 January 2020 (English subtitles): “Report Mainz”
- BBC podcast Business Matters by Mike Powell, 1st of January 2020: Aerotoxicity (2nd part, starting at 26:30 min. Login is NOT required)
- @ConsumerFrank Podcast about the new European Standard for Cabin Air Quality: Cabin air Quality – what’s in a letter? Dec 2019
- Article on (Maintenance, repair & Overhaul) dec 2019: Improved Systems for Cleaning Cabin Air
- Article by Dutch Association of Aviation Technicians NVLT on 14 October 2019: How to deal with harmful organophosphates in oil and Skydroll during aircraft maintenance
- Call to action on Eurecca’s website, September 2019: Sign this petition for clean cabin air!
- scientific magazine Clinical Toxicology August 2019: “Aerotoxic Syndrome, discussion of possible diagnostic criteria“, by neurologist G. Hageman et al.
- View from the Wing, July 2019: Is Airbus doing enough to stop the Fumes that are making people sick?
- Eurecca is fully behind the into Aerotoxic Syndrome by the Association Toxicologie-Chimie (April 2019). Read the full scientific report by ATC here
- It’s in the air that I breath, Bearnairdine Beaumont (may 2019)
- Scientific magazine Clinical Toxicology, May 2019: “Three patients with probable aerotoxic syndrome“, by neurologist G. Hageman et al.
- Podcast series with interviews about Aerotoxic Syndrome, by the Belgian journalist/writer Chriselda Barretto. In episode 6 of 2nd of May 2019: Ap van de Kraats en Annie de Vries from Stichting Fly Aware. Listen also to earlier episodes, with Daniel Dumalin, Willen Felderhof, Charlie Bass and John Hoyte.
- Study reveals permanent brain damage among pilots and cabin crew, 16 April 2019
- Daniel Dumalin’s Research into Brain Damage in flight crew, 8 April 2019
- British union supports 51 court cases against 5 different airlines, 28 march 2019
- Highly informative radio documentary by Willem Felderhof about Aerotoxic Syndrome (duration 2:05 hrs), with Angel Brain, Charlie Bass, after 1:25 hr joined by Stichting Fly Aware’s Ap van de Kraats and Annie de Vries, 24 March 2019.
- BBC World Services, 1 January 2019:
Aerotoxicity, the hidden dangers of flying, excellent radio documentary (about 50 min) about Aerotoxic Syndrome.
- Aviation Herald article, 16 november 2018: New Concerns Raised Over “Toxic” Cabin Air After Troubling Death of Airline Captain
- News item about contaminated cabin air, 12 november 2018: Tv station WXYZ
- Shocking documentary on CBS San Francisco, 16 november 2018: Many Jet Airliners unequipped to Filter Toxic Air
- VTM nieuws, November 2018: Noise in the media about Fume Events in Belgium
- Open Letter to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, 18 October 2018: “Toxic Air in Public Transport Aircraft Cabin”.
- Unite the Union announced new instructions for the Coroners in England and Wales, 18 October 2018.
- RTL News, 17 October 2018: Melania Trump’s plane forced to turn around after ‘mechanical issue’ fills cabin with smoke.
- Daily Mail, 9 August 2018: Stale cockpit air may be affecting your pilot’s performance
- From the website for cabin crew, 18 July 2018: “Alaska Airlines confirms cabin air contamination”.
- Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, on 4 June 2018: Onderzoek naar zieke piloten en stewardessen
- Ans is a whistle blowers network at a German University for Journalism. On 25th May 2018, they published the following article: Krank durch Arbeit. Oder: das Schattenreich von Arbeitsmedizin und Gesetzlicher Unfallversicherung
- Letter from BASSA to Alex Cruz (CEO of British Airways) on 25th May 2018, subject: BASSA: Crew and Passenger exposure to organophosphates on aircraft.
- The Independant, 24 mei 2018: International Investigation into the Effects of Toxic Air on Planes demanded by Health Association
- Tagesschau, 23 mei 2018: Wenn Piloten der Job stinkt
- On 26 april 2018, TV2 in France published an impressive documentary: L’air des avions est-il toxique?
- In March 2018, David Learmount wrote an interesting article in the magazine Aerospace about contaminated cabin air and Pall filters: Clearing the Air
- On 4 April 2018, Aviation magazine Aviation Herald published a shocking article about a serious Fume Event which took place in July 2015 and the manipulation that took place later on to keep the whole incident away from public focus.
- Article of Dutch NOS, 05-02-2018: Griep of Koolmonoxidevergiftiging? Zelfs artsen slaan soms de plank mis
- Article in Dutch newspaper “de Telegraaf ” of 25-01-2018: Duizenden mensen ziek van vliegtuiggas
- the London Economic 20 september 2017: British union Unite demands measures by airlines
- NOS on 20 september 2017: Easyjet to fit filters and sensors on all aircraft, to prevent any toxic substances from entering the cabin
- Dutch newspaper de Telegraaf 18 september 2018: Gifgasfilters in Vliegtuig
- Richard Westgate Story British Airways (2017): Family poisoned BA co-pilot claim Aviation Industry
- Eenvandaag Binnenland februari 2017: Sick stewardess sues KLM
- The Dutch TV Program Zembla has repeatedly dedicated a full episode to this problem
- Publication of Dutch Cabin Crew Union VNC, 2016: Kwaliteit cabinelucht en gezondheidsklachten
- In 2016, this documentary was aired on German television ARD1:
- A Report from Deutschlandfunk (July 2015): Giftige Öldämpfe im Flugzeug: Flugpassagier mit feinem Näschen
- Matt Bass Story British Airways (july 2015): Toxic Air claimed Life BA Steward
- Article by Tim van Beveren (Feb 2015): Richter schlägt wegen giftiger Kabinenluft Alarm
- VNV magazine Op de Bok, March 2103: “TCP: Giftige lucht aan boord” (Dutch only)
- Williams American Airlines Story Seattle (june 2011): Boeing Suit Settlement stirs Jetliner Air Safety Debate
- Joanne Turner Story East-West Airlines Australia (sep 2010): Toxic Cabin Air legal Victory for sick Flight Attendant