Rapporten van Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- “Using the grey literature to better understand the potential health impacts of cabin air quality“, door Jean-Christophe Balouet, Michel F.A Mulder et al., gepubliceerd in Wetenschappelijk tijdschrift Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment, mei 2023
- Medical Protocol gepubliceerd door the International Fume Events Task Force (onder voorzitterschap van dr. S. Michaelis) in het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift Environmental Health, mei 2023: Health consequences of exposure to aircraft contaminated air and fume events: A narrative review and medical protocol for the investigation of exposed aircrew and passengers , mei 2023
- TNO rapport in opdracht van het Ministerie van IenW: “Notitie Emissieberekening ZZS Luchthavens” (feb 2023)
- RIVM rapport 2022-0069:”Gezondheidseffecten van ultrafijnstof van vliegverkeer rond Schiphol”
- In vitro hazard characterization of simulated aircraft cabin bleed-air contamination in lung models using an air-liquid interface (ALI) exposure system door Rui-Wen He, Marc M.G. Houtzager (RIVM/TNO), juni 2021
- TNO onderzoek op Schiphol naar Ultrafijn stof op platformen 29 september 2021
- Ultrafine particle levels measured on board short-haul commercial passenger jet aircraft, door Susan Michaelis, Tristan Loraine en prof. C.V. Howard, 18 augustus 2021
- Sources of Onboard Fumes and Smoke Reported by US Airlines, door Judith Anderson (Association of Flight Attendants, AFA), 22 april 2021
- Final Report and Overall Summary of FACTS study, in opdracht van de Europese Commissie, 31 augustus 2020.
- Covid-19, ARDS and Cytokine Storms 3 april 3 2020
- Clinical Toxicology: “Aerotoxic Syndrome, discussion possible diagnostic criteria”, door o.a. neuroloog G. Hageman (augustus 2019)
- Clinical Toxicology: “Three patients with probable aerotoxic syndrome“, door o.a. neuroloog G. Hageman (mei 2019).
- Association Toxicologie-Chimie: “Do you know Aerotoxic Syndrome?” (maart 2019)
- Future Sky Safety: On-board air quality – Final report on the effect of new materials (mei 2018)
- Final EASA Report: Characterisation of the toxicity of aviation turbine engine oils after pyrolysis
- S. Michaelis, 2018: Aircraft Clean Cabin Air Requirements Using Bleed Air Systems (apr 2018)
- Estimating the health consequences of flight attendant work: comparing flight attendant health to the general population in a cross-sectional study
- Nanomedicine & Nanoscience Research, februari 2018: Is a Cumulative Exposure to a Background Aerosol of Nanoparticles Part of the Causal Mechanism of Aerotoxic Syndrome?, door Vyvyan Howard
- Occupational exposure to pesticides is associated with differential DNA methylation (feb 2018)
- 2e Rapportage 2017 Nationale Adviesgroep Cabinelucht (2018)
- Kamervragen D66 Paternotte n.a.v. uitzending Zembla dd 8 november 2017
- Belevingsonderzoek naar het voorkomen van gezondheidsklachten bij frequente vliegreizigers (eind 2016)
- Submicron and Nanoparticulate Matter Removal by HEPA-Rated Media Filters and Packed Beds of Granular Materials, NASA 2016
- A comparison of fresh and used aircraft oil for the identification of toxic substances linked to aerotoxic syndrome (2016)
- Cognitive impairment and associated loss in brain white microstructure in aircrew members exposed to engine oil fumes (2015)
- Autoantibody markers of neural degeneration are associated with post-mortem histopathological alterations of a neurologically injured pilot (2014)
- Health risk assessment of exposure to TriCresyl Phosphates (TCPs) in aircraft: A commentary (2014), door Hans de Ree, Martin van den Berg et all
- Het Aerotoxisch syndroom: feit of fabel? (2014), door L. J. de Graaf, G. Hageman, B.C.M. Gouders, Michel F.A. Mulder
- BFU: Study of Reported Occurrences in Conjunction with Cabin Air Quality in Transport Aircraft (januari 2014)
- TNO Onderzoek naar aanwezigheid en concentratie van tricresylfosfaten in de cockpits van KLM Boeing 737 (2013)
- Assessing Aircraft Supply Air to Recommend Compounds for Timely Warning of Contamination (2012)
- Full Length Research Paper: Clinical manifestation, effects, diagnosis, monitoring of carbon monoxide poisoning and toxicity (2011)
- Dit artikel beschrijft een onderzoek naar het effect van organische fosfaten op choline-esterase (2011)
- Exposure to airborne organophosphates originating from hydraulic and loaders (2010)